29 Nov 2021

This week is Good Divorce Week 2021 (29 Nov – 3 Dec) where Resolution is kickstarting a national conversation about how parents can embrace a child-focused approach to separation. 

Family relationships have come under immense pressure since the start of the pandemic and we know that the children of parents who separate can find the experience one of the most challenging and impactful of their lives.

“Divorce is a very difficult time for families and can be especially difficult for the children.

Good Divorce Week promoted by Resolution advocates a child focussed approach to divorce to try to minimise any adverse effects. As members of Resolution we, as a firm, are keen to encourage an amicable approach at all times and support this.

Resolution have produced a number of resources to support separating parents adopt this approach which can be easily accessed online.

As a member of the Resolution National Children’s Committee I am aware of the time and effort that has gone into preparing these resources in trying to support separating families and would recommend their use unreservedly.

We use a child centred approach as a firm and can assist our clients in doing so also. We are always ready to support our clients in resolving these issues and appreciate these additional resources to do so.” Jeannette Birch, Family Law Solicitor, Sinclair Law.

That’s why Resolution launched the Parenting Through Separation Guide, a free resource containing information, advice and support to help parents in their parenting journey through separation, divorce and beyond.

Free Advice During Good Divorce Week

At Sinclair Law, we are Resolution members, this means we are committed to following their Code of Practice that promotes a constructive approach to family issues and considers the needs of the whole family, in particular the best interests of children.

In support of Good Divorce Week’ we are offering a free 30-minutes legal consultation on all family law matters from 29th November to 3rd December 2021. To arrange your free 30-minute appointment with one of our specialist Divorce and Family Law solicitors, please contact us on 01625 526 222 or complete our quick contact us form.

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