10 Jan 2020

With 2020 just beginning, many people will be thinking about what resolutions they can make for the New Year.

Aside from going to the gym more or learning a new skill, you may not have considered a resolution that could ultimately be more important.

A significant proportion of adults in the UK do not have Wills and/or Lasting Powers of Attorney.

Wills come into effect on your death and say who you would like to deal with your estate and who is to receive which of your assets, be it your children, loved ones or a charity.

On the other hand, Lasting Powers of Attorney come into effect while you are still alive but should you lose capacity, for example if you have an illness or accident.

There are two types of Lasting Power of Attorney, one that covers your health and welfare and one that covers your property and financial affairs.

You can appoint attorneys who make decisions in these areas on your behalf and who must always do so with your best interests at heart.  

There could not be a better time to make your Wills and Lasting Powers of Attorney.

The experts at Sinclair Law Solicitors will be pleased to advise you in this area. Please call 01625 526 222 to speak with one of our experts or arrange your free initial consultation by clicking here.

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